Monodiet Apple Detox Diet

You may have come across the egg diet, grapefruit diet, and brown rice diet. However, the most popular monodiet is eating just organic fruit instead of meals.

You must adhere to the wind-down and up to normal eating, otherwise you may get a severe withdrawal reaction.

Choose one cleansing fruit such as organic apples and buy them in advance. If you can’t choose organic be sure to wash fruit very thoroughly.

Apples are high in fibre - 4-5 grams per apple - which helps to stop hunger pangs. The natural sugar in apples also cuts cravings for sugar. In addition the pectin in apples turn into a sticky gel that stops the body absorbing sugar too quickly so cravings are also reduced (double-whammy). Because of the high fibre content the digestive system works more efficiently. Fruits are alkaline and will restore your acid/alkaline balance.
Apples are not the type of food that just slips down the throat, you have to work at eating them. This sends a signal to the brain to alert for fullness and is therefore more satisfying. Apples have also high water content, necessary to aid elimination and flush through waste.

It addition you should take supplements.

On all days drink water, tisanes or herbal teas.

During day 1 and 2 the best way is to treat the apple like you would for a meal. Cut it up, sit down at the table, take time and eat off a plate.

Days 1& 2

  • Start day with hot water and lemon.
  • Consume 1-2lbs of apples over the course of the day.

Day 3

  • Start day with hot water and lemon, eat apples for breakfast.
    Eat 1 apple half an hour before mid-day meal

    Mid-day meal
    Large raw salad – lemon juice for dressing. Don’t just stick to lettuce, toms and cucumber. Include carrots and beetroot shaved into curls with your veg peeler. Fennel, greens such as kale, brussels sprouts, red cabbage. Herbs such as parsley, basil, dill, fennel tops. If you can shave or crush raw garlic into the dressing

    Eat 1 apple half an hour before evening meal
    Evening Meal
    Chicken without skin or salmon with steamed vegetables (include lots of greens such as Kale)

Days 4-7

Try and keep it light and re-introduce foods/drinks such as coffee, starches gradually. You may want to continue with eating an apple half an hour before meals.
Introduce foods such as avocado, nuts, brown rice, chicken or salmon - see Diets for Health section for specific good food choices.
Consult our Food Pyramid for healthy food choices and portions