Friday December 8, 2017 at 12:24pm
For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which then steals moisture away from the skin every second of every day.
"As soon as you turn the heat on indoors, the skin starts to dry out," Bonnie LaPlante, an esthetician with the Canyon Ranch resort in Lenox, Mass., tells WebMD. "It doesn't matter if you heat your home using oil, wood, or electricity. The skin gets dry.”
1. Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise
Your skin not only needs more moisture, but moisture right after you wash. Applying moisture to damp skin helps seal that dampness into the skin. Keep a bottle near the bathtub, shower stall, and at every sink and use liberally every time you wash.But choose your moisturizer carefully!
We recommend a combination of:
Dryer areas like hands, feet, elbows, and knees have thin skin and tend to lose moisture faster than other areas on the body. Consider slathering on a deep moisturizing balm such as our favourite Trilogy Everything Balm at night, then wear cotton gloves and socks to seal in the moisture until morning.
2. Hydrate
The skin of someone who is severely dehydrated will benefit from fluids. So drink up! A little warm water with lemon can be very refreshing and hydrating at the same time.
3. Protect
Get used to wearing gloves and scarves to protect skin from cold winds, rain, and snow. The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts of the body and has fewer oil glands. That means it's harder to keep your hands moist, especially in cold, dry weather. This can lead to itchiness and cracking. Wear gloves when you go outside; if you need to wear wool to keep your hands warm, slip on a thin cotton glove first, to avoid any irritation the wool might cause.
Also, don’t forget the sunscreen. Winter sun can be just as damaging as summer sun, so apply a safe option like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to any exposed areas.
4. Humidify
Heating systems dry out the air, so consider installing a humidifier in your home, particularly in your bedroom, to put moisture back into the air and help prevent your skin from drying out.
5. Forget about super hot baths
The intense heat of a hot shower or bath actually breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin, which can lead to a loss of moisture.
6. Exfoliate
We often forget to help the skin slough off dead cells in the winter, particularly on our hands. Yet moisture can’t get in if the dead cells are too plentiful. Find an exfoliating mask and use it on your face and your hands, as well as gently on your lips, then follow immediately with moisture to truly see a smoother difference. Exfoliating body washes are also helpful in the winter months
7. Use masks
Masks can provide needed moisture in the winter months.

Wednesday October 25, 2017 at 7:53pm
Make the most of the extra hour sleep…
The end of Daylight Saving Time
is one of our favorite excuses to sleep for an extra hour — a decadent,
once-a-year, Sunday morning treat.
much can an extra hours sleep change you?
Both the hours slept and the intensity of the sleep are important.
Some of your most refreshing sleep occurs during deep sleep. Although such
sleep's true effects are still being studied, it is generally considered a
restorative period for the brain. And when you sleep more hours, you allow your
brain to spend more time in this rejuvenating period.
"When you put away sleep debt,
you become superhuman," says Stanford's Dement, talking about the improved
mental and physical capabilities that come with being well rested.
Just one extra hour of sleep can
boost your athletic performance
Researchers at Stanford University asked
five healthy students on the Stanford women’s tennis team to maintain their
normal sleep/wake cycle for two to three weeks, then extend their sleep for
five to six weeks. The students underwent athletic performance assessments
after every practice, and researchers discovered that with extra sleep the
students executed a faster sprinting drill and experienced increased hitting
Better memory
If you have a bad
memory, the answer to your woes might simply be getting more sleep. While deep
sleep is perceived as a time when we completely shut off, our brains are
actually hard at work moving our short-term memories to our long-term memories,
which makes space for the next day. If you don't get enough time in a deep
sleep, some of your memories will be lost.
Significantly lower blood
Heart attacks increase when Daylight
Saving Time begins in March, research shows,
after we’ve lost that precious hour of sleep. And when it ends, heart attacks
decrease. And that makes sense, given what we know about sleep and arterial
To help you get a good
nights sleep here are some of our favourites:
Bach Original Flower Remedy Rescue Night Drops
This Works Sleep Plus + Pillow Spray
And Besleepy De-Stress Bath & Body Oil
Sleep well, sleep tight!
Wednesday September 13, 2017 at 12:37pm
What are they?
Age spots are flat, brown, gray, or black spots
on the skin. They usually occur on sun-exposed areas of the skin. Age spots are
also called liver spots, senile lentigo, solar lentigines, or sun spots. Age
spots are the result of an excess production of melanin, or skin pigment.
Doctors don’t always know why age spots develop. Skin aging, sun exposure, or
other forms of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, such as tanning beds, are all
possible causes. You’re most likely to develop age spots on the areas of your
skin that receive the most sun exposure, including your face, the back of your
hands, your shoulders, your upper back and your forearms.
How to prevent age
Since these brown blotches are caused by the sun’s UV
rays, limiting sun exposure is an important first step in the battle against
age spots. Avoid the sun as much as possible during peak hours (10 AM to 4 PM
during spring, summer, and fall or 10 AM to 2 PM during winter), when the
ultraviolet radiation is the strongest.
Even if you already have age spots, sunscreen keeps
existing ones from darkening and helps prevent more from popping up, says
Kunin. Buy a broad-spectrum sunblock (which protects you from both the UVA and
UVB rays of the sun) with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 (Such as
Works Leg Protector SPF30). Apply it to exposed skin 10 to 15
minutes before you go outside, says C. Ralph Daniel III, MD. Tests show that
SPF 30 sunblock protects the skin against about 93% of the sun’s UV rays, he
Top Tip: Use lemon
Cut a few lemon slices and place them directly onto your
age spots for 10 to 15 minutes once a day, suggests Kunin. “The acid in the
fresh lemon juice helps lighten the age spots in some cases.” It won’t happen
overnight, though. Kunin says that you’ll notice a difference in 6 to 12 weeks.
Watch carefully. Overuse may cause the upper layer of skin to peel.
Monday August 14, 2017 at 4:13pm
What is it?
Hyaluronic acid is the hottest ingredient in
skincare right now—but how well does it actually work as a moisturizer and
wrinkle-plumper? Is it better to take it orally as well as applying through a moisturiser?
of all, hyaluronic acid (which also goes by the names hyaluronan or hyaluronate
on the back of packaging) is not an acid in the same sense as popular ones like
salicylic or glycolic, which exfoliate away dead skin cells.
acid doesn't do that at all. As a naturally-occurring polysaccharide found in
the human body, it acts as a cushioning and lubrication agent for our joints,
nerves, hair, skin and eyes.
particularly important to skin appearance because about 50 percent of the
body's supply is located in the skin tissues, where the viscous, jelly-like
substance helps keep it plump, soft and supple... for a while, at least. Our
ability to produce hyaluronic acid declines with age, which can lead to
increased dryness, fine lines, wrinkles and sagging.
that's one reason why skincare and cosmetic enhancement companies are
encouraging us to use their synthetically-derived hyaluronic acid products—they
claim to help replenish our lost stores of it.
other reason is Hyaluronic Acid molecules' unique ability to attract and retain
more than 1,000 times their weight in water. One thousand! That's more than any
other biological substance. What's not to love?
How It Works
collagen, Hyaluronic
Acid is able
to penetrate the skin’s upper layers to improve and benefit the skin when
applied topically. Hyaluronic acid is a major component of skin, where it
benefits tissue repair and protection. When applied in a Hyaluronic Acid cream
or serum, Hyaluronic Acid forms an air permeable layer and penetrates into the
dermis, thus boosting the elasticity and hydration of the skin. The protective
barrier on the skin locks in moisture, which gives the skin a youthful appearance.
Try our Hyaluronic Acid Serum
Beflattered we think taking Hyaluronic Acid is a must. We love Aeterna Gold and
Free shipping
with all Beflattered orders and free samples too!
Monday August 7, 2017 at 1:24pm
Which foods to eat, and which to steer clear of
for a good night's sleep
Reach for …
Tryptophan-rich foods
Tryptophan is a
sleep-promoting substance. Foods that are high in tryptophan include dairy
products (such as milk or yoghurt), nuts and seeds, bananas, honey, and eggs.
Carbohydrate-rich foods
complement dairy foods by increasing the level of sleep-inducing tryptophan in
the blood. So a few late night snacks to help you sleep might include bread and
cheese, a bowl of porridge, or yogurt and nuts.
Steer clear of …
High-fat foods
Research shows that people
who often eat high-fat foods experience a disruption of their sleep cycles. A
heavy meal activates digestion, which can lead to nighttime trips to the
(Hidden) Caffeine
Chocolate, cola, tea, and
decaffeinated coffee may still contain moderate caffeine, and therefore cause
sleep disturbance. For better sleep, it is recommended to cut all caffeine from
your diet four to six hours before bedtime. *Some over-the-counter and
prescription drugs contain caffeine, too. Check the label!
3. Alcohol
Although alcohol may help you fall asleep faster, you may
experience frequent awakenings, less restful sleep, headaches, night sweats and
nightmares. If you are drinking alcohol in the evening, make sure to balance
each drink with a glass of water to dilute the alcohol's effects. For a good
night's sleep, it is recommended to avoid alcohol four to six hours before
4. Spicy food
A spicy meal can lead to heartburn,
and uncomfortable sleep. Make sure to finish a heavy meal at least four hours
before bedtime.
Although proteins are an
essential part of our daytime diet, they are hard to digest. Avoid the
high-protein snack before bedtime and opt for a dairy product instead.
Monday August 7, 2017 at 1:19pm
What To Eat & Drink For A Good Night’s Sleep
For dinner…
· Tuna salad (with lettuce and tomatoes)
Fish such as Tuna, salmon or halibut are high in vitamin B6, which your body
needs to make melatonin and serotonin.
are one of the best sources of
lycopene, a mineral important for sleep.
Lettuce contains
significant amounts of a substance called lactucarium, which is a natural
FACT: This is why extract of wild lettuce is sometimes found in
herbal sleeping tablets.
· Quinoa, kale
& Halibut
Wholegrains like quinoa are rich in magnesium—consuming
too little magnesium may make it harder to stay asleep.
Dairy products are
well-known calcium-rich foods. But green leafy vegetables, such as kale, also boast healthy doses of
calcium, which is believed to help sleep.
· “Sushi bowl”: White rice and salmon
White rice has a high
glycemic index, which will significantly
reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep, according to an Australian study.
Like tuna, salmon is high in vitamin B6.
The perfect bedtime snacks…
· Cheese & crackers
like yoghurt, cheese contains
calcium which can help you sleep.
· Carrots & hummus
Gram for gram, carrots are the most potent sources of alpha carotene, behind
canned pumpkin, which has been proved to help sleep.
Chickpeas in hummus are also a good source of tryptophan.
· Yoghurt with honey, walnuts & almonds
The calcium found in yogurt helps the brain use the
tryptophan found in dairy to manufacture sleep-triggering melatonin.
The natural sugar found in honey slightly raises insulin and
allows tryptophan to enter the brain more easily.
Walnuts are a good
source of tryptophan, a sleep-enhancing amino acid that helps make serotonin
and melatonin, the “body clock” hormone that sets your sleep-wake cycles.
Additionally, walnuts contain their own source of melatonin, which may help you
fall asleep faster.
Almonds are rich in
magnesium, a mineral needed for quality sleep. A study published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine found that when the body’s magnesium levels are too low, it
makes it harder to stay asleep.
· A bowl of
porridge (prepared with milk)
A bowl of porridge combines two components which will help you sleep: carbohydrates (from the oats) and calcium
(from the milk).
· Banana &
Kiwi smoothie (Blended with milk)
Bananas contain
Typtophan, potassium, magnesium and healthy carbs so would make an ideal snack for
anyone suffering with sleeplessness.
The high amount of serotonin in kiwis, could significantly
increase sleep duration.
What to drink …
· Cherry juice
Cherries, particularly
tart cherries, naturally boost levels of melatonin, which should help you fall
asleep faster.
· Chamomile tea & honey
Steeping a cup of chamomile tea will help you sleep.
According to researchers, drinking the tea is associated with an increase of
glycine, a chemical that relaxes nerves and muscles and acts like a mild
Monday August 7, 2017 at 1:15pm
What To Do When You
Can’t Sleep
a regular bedtime routine.
activities that help you wind down before bed, and stick to the same sleep-wake
even on weekends.
Don’t smoke.
Need another
reason to quit? Smokers commonly exhibit symptoms of insomnia—possibly because
their bodies go into nicotine withdrawal during the night.
It’s tempting
to reach for coffee when we’re tired after a poor night’s sleep, but drinking
caffeine can make it harder for us to fall asleep at night, creating a vicious
cycle. Try limiting caffeine intake to earlier in the day so it’s out of your
system by bedtime.
Nap the right
Just 10 to 20
minutes of napping
during the day can help us
feel rested (and improve our creativity and memory, to boot!) . But try to
avoid napping after 3:00 or 4:00pm, as this can make it harder to fall asleep
at night.
Get outside.
Increasing natural
light exposure during the
day promotes healthy melatonin balance, which can help us get to sleep later in
the day.
Eat for sleep.
Eat dairy, foods high in magnesium, like halibut, almonds,
cashews, and spinach, and foods high in vitamin B complex, like leafy green
vegetables, nuts, and legumes.
Dim the lights
two hours before bed.
According to one
study, exposure to
electrical lights between dusk and bedtime might negatively affect our chances
at quality sleep. Assuming you don’t want to sit in the dark for hours, find
the happy medium by dimming the lights as bedtime draws near
Turn off the
The artificial
(or “blue”) light emitted by screens can disrupt
our bodies’ preparations
for sleep by stimulating daytime hormones. Reduce exposure by turning off TVs,
phones, and computers at least one hour before bedtime.
Don’t use your brain before bed.
Don’t work,
watch stimulating TV shows, read complex material, or think too hard—about
bedtime; working out
the brain keeps the body awake.
Keep it (dark
and) cool.
A dark, cool
bedroom environment helps promote
restful sleep. Program the
thermostat so the bedroom’s temperature is between 16 and 22 degrees Celsius
(experiment to find what works best for you), and use heavy curtains, blackout
shades, or an eye mask to block lights. Also be sure to charge phones and
laptops outside the bedroom—even this tiny bit of light can disrupt sleep.
natural supplements.
Valerian and
melatonin are two of the most highly recommended
supplements (though their
efficacy is still under review). Some other sleep
aids can be
effective, too.
disturbing noises.
If external
noises are beyond your control (a busy street outside the window, a neighbor’s
barking dog), cover them up with the sound of a bedside fan, a white noise
machine, or other sounds
that help us sleep.
Vent stress.
Spend some
time writing
down anxieties. Loose-leaf
paper works, but if you scrawl your sorrows in a journal or notebook, you can
literally close the book on your worries (at least until the morning).
Try a hot bath
or shower.
Stepping from
warm water into a pre-cooled bedroom will cause body temperatures to drop
slightly, which can trigger
sleepy feelings by slowing
down metabolic activity.
Do some leg
Easy leg
lifts, squats, or other
leg exercises can help divert
blood flow to the legs
and away from the brain. This can help quiet the mind, making it easier to slip
into dreamland.
yourself asleep.
yourself drifting in a
blissful slumber while practicing deep
breathing and progressive
muscle relaxation. Starting at
one end of the body and working up or down, clench and then release each
section of muscles for instant all-over relaxation.
See a doctor.
If you’ve
tried everything and nothing’s worked, it might be time to consult a
professional. A doctor can help rule out any sleep disorders and identify
lifestyle factors or medications that might be getting in the way of a good
night’s rest.
Monday August 7, 2017 at 1:12pm
It’s little wonder that water is
referred to as the ‘essence of life’. If you want to
increase the suppleness, softness and radiance of your skin, as well as flush
out toxins and improve hydration… then be sure to get your recommended intake
of water every day. How does water help your skin? Let us take a dive into the
benefits of water.
1. Water helps reduce dark
circles under the eyes
Water helps flush out the toxins from your system and thereby
reducing the amount of salt concentration in and around the eye area. If you've
been eating salty food lately, chances are you will wake up in the morning with
puffy eyes.
Water helps increase blood flow for a healthy glow
In addition to hydrating your major organs, water can also help
increase blood flow by removing toxins and helping to spread nutrients: this
includes your skin. When you have better blood flow, your skin is more likely
to exhibit that “healthy glow” everyone wishes for. In turn, this will also
help aging skin look more youthful.
3. Water
helps improve skin tone
In most cases, skin discoloration is the result of either a
disease of the skin or sun damage. While water can’t necessarily cure skin
discoloration, the other benefits can lead to better skin tone. For example,
consuming more water may decrease the prevalence of undereye circles and
redness of the skin.
4. Water
helps prevent premature ageing by improving skin cell turnover
Your skin is naturally
evolving every day by shedding old cells and generating new ones.
Unfortunately, this process isn’t always perfect. Oils can clog your pores and
also trap old skin cells, leaving your skin with dry-looking patches. Drinking
water can help improve skin cell turnover by promoting the right oil balance.
Improved skin cell turnover also leads to a correct
moisture balance—overtime, you will experience softer, less oily skin overall.
5. Water
helps reduce wrinkles
Dehydration coupled
with decreased blood flow can also lead to a thin appearance of the skin. When
your skin is less supple, it may be prone to more wrinkles. Furthermore, using
water-based skincare products can absorb easily into the skin and make your
skin look thicker.
helps prevent pimples and acne
Certain kinds of toxins will clog your
small pores on your epidermis and can cause issues like acne and pimples. By
drinking more water, you ensure that you won’t suffer from severe pimples and
acne. The more hydrated your skin, the less your pores will clog.
7. Water helps improve skin
If you have
a lack of elasticity in your skin, it may be that you are dehydrated. To check
your skin’s elasticity, gently pinch your skin and see if it bounces back. If
it doesn’t bounce back, you need to drink more water to hydrate yourself and to
plump up your cells. Areas such as the skin under your eyes can become dark if
you lost elasticity and are not hydrated.
How much is enough?
The amount of water you should drink in
a day depends on your metabolism, weight, height and your daily routine.
Generally, it is recommended that adults should drink between 5 and 8 glasses
of water a day. Always make sure you are drinking at least six glasses a day to
stay hydrated and healthy.
Monday August 7, 2017 at 1:09pm
The Best Exercises For Sleep
Working out regularly has so many positive
health benefits. It can reduce stress,
boost alertness during the day, and improve your sleep quality. As little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as walking or
cycling, can dramatically improve the quality of your nighttime sleep,
especially when done on a regular basis.
Early morning and afternoon
exercise may also help reset the sleep
wake cycle by
raising body temperature slightly, then allowing it to drop and trigger
sleepiness a few hours later. It can be especially helpful if you are able to
exercise outdoors and let your body absorb natural sunlight during the daytime
These three
specific activities are scientifically proven to help you sleep better.
Aerobic exercise (such as running,
cycling, dancing…) decreases resting
heart rate. According to, 7 a.m. is the best time to engage in aerobic exercise
since it clears stress hormones earlier in the day which leads to a better night's
2. Strength Training
Besides helping you
sleep better, weight training also helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more
deeply. Deep sleep and muscle growth are interdependent. A good night’s sleep
promotes your body’s hormone balance, which in turn aids in muscle repair and
growth. When you sleep deeply, growth hormone-releasing hormones (GHRH) release
more growth hormones into your bloodstream. At the same time, GHRH induces
better sleep. Sleep itself encourages tissue repair and growth and helps
preserve energy, which is depleted along with growth hormones during daily
activity because of stress hormones. Sleep is a necessary and continual healing
3. Yoga
Yoga helps unwind at the end of
the day which will help you fall asleep at night. The following yoga stretches before
going to bed can help you relax and prepare you for a good night’s sleep.
Yoga exercises for a good night’s sleep:
1. Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)
2. Cat stretch (Marjariasana)
3. Child pose(Shishuasana)
4. Butterfly pose (BaddhaKonasana)
5. Legs-up-the-wall pose (ViparitaKarani)?
Monday August 7, 2017 at 1:03pm
Sun And The Skin
The sun can do a
lot of good. It regulates sleep cycles, stimulates the body's production of
vitamin D, and enhances feelings of well-being. But there's also a downside:
Exposure to sun can lead to wrinkles, age spots, and skin cancer.
In fact,
sunshine is considered the single biggest cause of visible aging. But you don't
have to succumb to the damaging rays. Even if you haven't been sun savvy in the
past, it's never too late to start protecting your skin, says Darrell S. Rigel,
MD, clinical professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine
in New York City. Here are a few important skin care tips for sun protection.
sun exposure
best way to prevent a sunburn is to avoid sun exposure.
out of the midday sun (from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon), which is
the strongest sunlight. Find shade if you need to be outdoors.
best way to prevent a sunburn is to avoid sun exposure.
out of the midday sun (from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon), which is
the strongest sunlight. Find shade if you need to be outdoors.
Wear Protective clothing
- Other
ways to protect yourself from the sun include wearing protective clothing, such
• Hats with wide 4 in. (10 cm) brims that cover
your neck, ears, eyes, and scalp.
- Sunglasses with UV ray protection, to prevent eye damage.
- Loose-fitting, tightly woven clothing that
covers your arms and legs.
- Clothing made with sun protective fabric.
These clothes have a special label that tells you how effective they are in
protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays.
- If
you can't avoid being in the sun, use a sunscreen to help protect your skin while you are in
the sun.
Be sure to read the
information on the sunscreen label about its SPF value and how much protection
it gives your skin. Follow the directions on the label. For
applying the sunscreen so it is most effective in protecting your skin from the
sun's ultraviolet rays.
- Water washes sunscreen off, and the
cooling effect of the water can make you think you're not getting burned. Water
also reflects ultraviolet (UV) rays, increasing your exposure.Water-resistant
sunscreen is needed if sweating or contact with water is likely.
- Sunscreen should be reapplied
straight after you've been in water – even if it's "water
resistant" – and after towel drying, sweating, or when it may
have rubbed off.