How to help lower your Cholestrol levels

Take a look at your diet
The first thing is to look at your diet. If you are unsure about your food intake why not keep a Food Diary read all about this here. You may be surprised by the results and it will be clear to see where to make changes.

If you check out our Food Pyramid you will find healthy choices with portions recommended on a daily or weekly basis.

If you are overweight and find it hard to lose the excess consider joining a club with like minded people. However, if you follow the recommendations on the Food Pyramid and start to exercise you will start losing the lbs.

Stop the salt
You will probably be horrified to find that even in everyday foods, manufacturers add a lot of salt so it is unnecessary to add more to your food.

Stop Smoking
Give up smoking – hard but can be done once you have the right mental attitude. Hypnotherapy can be worth trying to achieve this.

Cut Alcohol
Try and cut down on your alcohol intake. Have 2 alcohol free days a week or aim not to drink during the week.

Find an exercise that you enjoy and you are more likely to stick to it.

Walking is easy you need no special skill, it is free, you do not have to book anything and you can do it straight from your front door. 30 minutes every day is a good aim. And if you want to make it work harder – walk at your pace for 2 minutes and then faster for 2 minutes – do this during your 30 minute session.

Ditch all processed and junk food.
Check out our Food Pyramid for good healthy choices and make sure to eat loads of fibre foods.

Supplement your diet with
Look at taking a Multi Vitamin & Mineral Supplement read why this is important here
Consider supplmenting your diet with Garlic ,Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, Psyllium Husks, Green Tea


These recommendations are not comprehensive and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or pharmacist. Read more about Choloestrol in our Health Notes