Friday December 8, 2017 at 12:24pm
For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which then steals moisture away from the skin every second of every day."As soon as you turn the heat on indoors, the skin starts to dry out," Bonnie LaPlante, an esthetician with the Canyon Ranch resort in Lenox, Mass., tells WebMD. "It doesn't matter if you....
Wednesday October 25, 2017 at 7:53pm
Make the most of the extra hour sleep… The end of Daylight Saving Timeis one of our favorite excuses to sleep for an extra hour — a decadent,once-a-year, Sunday morning treat.Howmuch can an extra hours sleep change you? Both the hours slept and the intensity of the sleep are important.Some of your most refreshing sleep occurs during deep sleep. Although suchsleep's true effects are still being studied, it is generally considered arestorative period for the brain. And when ....
Monday August 7, 2017 at 1:12pm
It’s little wonder that water isreferred to as the ‘essence of life’. If you want toincrease the suppleness, softness and radiance of your skin, as well as flushout toxins and improve hydration… then be sure to get your recommended intakeof water every day. How does water help your skin? Let us take a dive into thebenefits of water.1. Water helps reduce darkcircles under the eyesWater helps flush out the toxins from your system and therebyreducing the a....
Sunday February 23, 2014 at 10:38am
It's official - stress DOES cause headaches (and the pain then causes us to become even more stressed) Feel a headache coming on? You could be under stress, say researchers. A new study proves what most headache had suspected - that having more stress in your life leads to more headaches. Try This Works Stress Less for a quick relaxation tip to help stave off that tension headache
Sunday February 23, 2014 at 10:32am
Acne and Wrinkles on the Same Face: the Frustrating Contradictions of the Menopause, and Why They Happen by Claire GarmistonThe menopause is a contradictory beast. Hormonal imbalance causes all sorts of perplexing and frustrating issues for which a large number of women are not prepared. Oily skin, for example. The menopause can cause your face to break out in the kind of acne you haven’t seen since you were a teenager, which is upsetting. You console yourself by remembering that acne indi....
Friday September 7, 2012 at 12:33pm
Great article in Harpers Bazaar magazine this month on the benefits of magnesium and how can help you sleep /Bodycare/BetterYou-Magnesium-Flakes.aspx
Thursday April 19, 2012 at 10:59am
We love multi-tasking products so great news to hear that vitamins not only help your health they can boost your mood
Thursday October 20, 2011 at 1:14pm
not only do they taste great they have great benefits too.... are full of them in time for Christmas so stock up with walnuts so you can remember where you've hidden all your Christmas presents!
Sunday October 16, 2011 at 12:09pm
Soak up the last of the summers rays and top up your Vitamin D levels as its reported that women who have good doses of Vitamin D are 20% less depressed....and who would like to not be depressed in the gloomiest month, and the darkest month of the year....January!
Tuesday June 21, 2011 at 2:39pm
According to The Daily Mail ( 21st June 2011) are you sleep deprived? Join the club. About a quarter of the population regularly misses out on the healthy six to eight hours sleep we need a night, with potentially dangerous effects. Try Nelsons Night Time Relief Not only is sleep deprivation frequently linked to road and industrial accidents (a quarter of road crashes are sleep related), but it’s been shown to raise significantly the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, depres....
Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 9:36pm
Five pieces of fruit and vegetables and 8 glasses of water a day. Good advice or cynical marketing ploys from food and beverage companies? At we hold the view that drinking 8 glasses of water 1 size fits all approach is not for everyone. So, the same must apply to 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables. Maybe YOU work best with 1 piece or 10!! A recent book by obesity researcher and nutritionist Zoe Harcombe disproves the commonly held belief that if we eat 5 pieces of fru....
Friday January 7, 2011 at 8:45am
Today’s news reports on scientific proof that Honey, specifically Manuka Honey, is at the forefront for the treatment and healing of wounds. This firmly puts Mother Nature back in the driving seat following the many years of penicillin and antibiotic drugs preference of the twentieth century. Honey has been known for its powerful healing properties for thousands of years from the ancient Greeks to the Second World War and the bees are now getting the recognition they deserve....
Sunday January 2, 2011 at 5:32pm
If you are feeling as though you could take off any minute with the amount of excess wind you have you are not alone - especially at this time of year. And if the season of too many sprouts and picking at leftovers is taking its toll too don't despair!Taking Medicinal Charcoal can help! It provides 100% natural relief for indigestion, wind and heartburn Alleviates the symptoms of Dyspepsia (chronic or recurrent discomfort in the abdomen accompanied by bloating, belching, nausea) Reli....
Friday September 17, 2010 at 2:42pm
What is the most efficient way to lose those extra pounds and inches? It is true that exercise burns calories, tones the body, generates energy, and makes you feel good. But, when starting a weight loss regime - we are what we eat and this is where we should start. Have you ever seen people in the gym that you know go regularly and work hard but still have that muffin top or flabby tum? How can this be? Well, it’s official if you want to lose weight – exercise alone does not cut it. ....
Friday September 17, 2010 at 1:12pm
All of us diligently taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin for our joints are dismayed by the latest news that studies say it is ineffectual. But the study was in specific regard to the debilitating condition Osteo Arthritis. Most of us take it, not because we have a problem but to prevent a problem occurring in the future, particularly if we run or exercise regularly. However, it is not enough just to pop one pill in isolation, in fact you are wasting your money. So it stands to reason that to m....
Friday September 10, 2010 at 12:12pm
"Get a grip" says Sarah Boseley's in the Guardian today covering new research looking at the indicators of a long life. So of great interest to all of us over 40!She reports on the initial studies that were commissioned to establish measures that could be used to identify which older people may need more help. The studies used 4 markers for physical ability that to the average young person may seem easy to achieve but apparently as we grow older failings in these areas may indicate low....
Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 10:42pm
Ok we've all seen the fishy feet coverage in the press this week and at times I'm quite tempted to dip my feet into Garra Ruffa Fish infested waters to have them nibble and suck away at the dry dead skin on my toes, cuticles and heels... but then I chicken out as maybe I am just too squeamish and I just can't get my head round how they must feel... apart from constantly full.Also known as Doctor Fish, originating from Turkey and practised all over Asia, it's apparently all th....
Thursday July 8, 2010 at 11:33am
After the arrival of baby Ethan our bet is that the lovely Dannii Minogue will be back in shape and in her slinky glam frocks in no time!But what about her skin? How will it have survived? Pregnancy hormones soften the collagen ligaments in the pelvis resulting in the softening of skin collagen also. This means that stretch marks form more easily. We're sure Dannii would have made doubly sure her skin was nurtured during her pregnancy but just in case she didn't we're sending her some....
Friday July 2, 2010 at 2:14pm
Your name might not have been on the VIP list for Elton's bash but it could be on ours. With 10% discount on your shopping, free P&P, a birthday pressie and more you'd be mad not to.Or if you fancy your chances you can enter our monthly draw to win VIP membership for a year just by signing up to our mailing list. And for July we're picking 10 winners and one might be you! In June our lucky VIP winner was : &nb....
Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 1:40pm
Age Spots - these are apparently the new big hate of women over 40 and pipping wrinkles to the number 1 spot - do you have them? Love em or hate em??