Is It Possible to Shrink Enlarged Pores?

Sadly, no not permanently, but you can for a short period greatly reduce the appearance.

Keep your skin scrupulously clean with a strict and effective cleansing regime. Coupled with regular exfoliation  will help keep pores squeaky clean and minimise their appearance.

Chose a moisturising lotion or gel that is light and non oily. Read our take on creating a Personalised Skincare Regime

You might like to consult a dermatologist who can advise specific treatments.

It’s well known that what you eat reflects in your skin – eat junk consistently and your skin will over time show it.

Flax Seed Oil. Even if you eat a reasonable diet, the nutrients in food cannot always be guaranteed, so taking a good Multi-Vitamin and Mineral supplement is good health and skin insurance.

For general all round skin care from within we like a good dose of Flax Seed Oil.

With so much information around we know how easy it is to be confused so have a look at our Foods that feed your Skin and see if we can make it a bit clearer for you.