Dry Skin Brushing

Buy a dry skin brush and never look back!It sounds painful but believe us this gentle but powerful action can turn around your skin and help improve your overall health. Such a big claim from a prickly piece of wood!

At beflattered we love what this does and how it makes you feel after only a few minutes a day. 

 It’s well worth it. So how does it work?

Skin brushing

  • Improves circulation
  • Eliminates waste through the surface of the skin * take the test to prove it.
  • Improves lymphatic flow and drainage

The skin is the body’s largest elimination organ and waste is released through the pores of the skin. However, by skin brushing you also encourage blood and lymphatic flow which helps remove unwanted fluids and wastes more efficiently.

If the lymphatic system is blocked and waste backs up, you not only feel sluggish and tired, it can also affect your immune system making you susceptible to viruses and diseases.

What are the benefits?
Feeling-GreatSkin brushing makes a difference to the following conditions:

  • Cellulite
  • Puffiness
  • Water retention
  • Dry Skin
  • Goosey, bumpy skin
  • Constipation
  • Removes dead skin cells so improving dull skin
  • Improves the production of sebum
  • Wakes you up ready to face the day (indeed some believe it is better than jogging for circulation and digestive benefits)

So once you start you will wonder why you hadn’t discovered it before.

This is a habit that you should try to incorporate into your washing routine before a bath or shower every day!

Buy a Dry Skin Brush and never look back!The brush must have natural fibres and a long detachable handle with a strap. If you find the bristles a bit tough you can soak your brush in water for 24 hours before use. Leave it to dry naturally (ie not on a radiator).

Begin your brushing … if you are new to it start with little gentle sweeps and build up your tolerance to the brush action.

Always work towards the heart and the lymphatic nodes which are located where joints meet, bend and move.

What are Lymphatic Nodes?
Lymphatic nodes are the body’s filter station they:

  • Are a one-way drainage system, transporting excess fluids into the blood stream
  • Contain cells that fight infection
  • Get rid of waste products (chemicals) from the body

Now for the good bit - How to do it!

  • Take off the long handle and use the strap.
  • As a general rule try and do a couple of strokes per section.
  • Always work towards the heart.
  • Start at the feet and use long strong strokes upwards towards the knees. At the knees use the brush to stroke around the joint and then proceed to brush the thighs.
  • Continue up the sides and then over your buttocks in circular strokes.
  • To improve bowel action, take the brush and sweep it from each armpit, side of ribs towards middle of your belly.
  • Move onto the arms starting at the hands using the same strokes towards the heart. 
  • Be careful not to brush over your boobs or the décolleté / chest area as the skin here is too delicate.
  • Stroke over your shoulders. 
  • Put the long handle into the slot and draw up your back (this is quite difficult but with perseverance you can do it). 
  • Failing that maybe your best pal might give you a hand! Check out our diagram at the bottom for visual instructions.

You can run a little test to see what is happening when you skin brush. After brushing, stroke a damp flannel over the brushed area. Hang the flannel up (in the air) and repeat the next time. After a few sessions you will find the smell of the flannel quite revolting. So, by bringing these wastes to the surface and by stimulating lymphatic flow you are improving the elimination process.

The Do Nots  

  • Do not brush so hard that you break your skin
  • Do not brush over damaged, infected or broken skin 
  • Do not brush over varicose veins
  • Do not brush over the breasts or the decollete  
FRONT - Head
Upper Body
Upper legs
Lower leg
BACK - Head
Upper Body
Upper legs
Lower leg
Feet soles
Brush over soles of feet

Brush up legs, front, back and sides
Foot to knees front
 • Foot to knees back
 • Round the knees
 • Knees to groin
 • Knees to buttocks

Brush around buttocks

Brush up torso sides  • 
 • Back

Brush up arms front, back & sides, back of hand to armpit
Arms front
 • Arms back

Brush over the shoulders