The Ugly Face of Beauty

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 1:47pm

After watching the C4 program last night I wonder how many women have changed their mind and their desire to have surgery and in particular the tummy tuck. I sat cupped hand over wide open mouth, in disbelief.
For sure there are many success stories but the horrific scars left from negligence and poorly performed surgery are enough to make any normal women rethink. Those poor women who like all of us wanted improvement were left with shark bite and emotional scars.

Hats off to C4 and Christian Jessen for bringing such to light.

With a tummy that bares the scars of two caesarean births, much indulgence and not enough sit ups I can certainly see the appeal myself but with the clear risk of massive scarring and the potential result of permanent disfiguration I think I am going to carry on with my self help.

In my pervious blog we covered the tummy trimming Spirulina and that combined with some attention to diet and a focus on small smart lifestyle changes you can make a difference.

Spirulina contains complete balanced proteins including all eight essential amino acids, nine vitamins and 14 minerals.Every day a new diet tip or regime hits the media but one easy way to curb your appetite and cravings is to take Spirulina as a supplement.

In addition to suppressing your appetite this wonder food supplement is also very good for you.

Spirulina contains complete balanced proteins including all eight essential amino acids, nine vitamins and 14 minerals. Not only will you lose weight but your skin will be glowing, your immune system will be strengthened and antioxidants will kick in waging war on any free radicals floating about.

Unlike other diet aids this will naturally clean your insides, improves digestive and is naturally detoxifying. Spirulina together with healthy food choices see our Food Pyramid for daily/weekly portions.

So, what are you waiting for? It is a win, win decision. You have nothing to lose but that unwanted fat and gain a detox without the pain.

Check out the following topics for more information and support to losing a few extra lbs and feeling great and looking younger.

The Food Pyramid on good, healthy foods to base your diet on.
Smart Diet Swaps to make small changes with big results
Thickening Waist & Belly Fat - latest info on body changes in mid age
How your body shape can affect your health - it's serious, it is not just aesthetics!!!


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