BodyTox Energy Herbal Fusion Drink + vibrational essences

Whats in it?

The reality is that few of us enjoy a really relaxed lifestyle in today's increasingly pressurised world. A restless nights sleep, a frantic morning at work or home, a rigorous work out, or a combination of all these can make us feel worn out.

An energising drink taken in water.

Is is suitable for vegetarians?


How long will it last?

5 days

What should I take? The manufacturers recommendation!

1 cup daily

Contra Indications & Caution

Do not use during pregnancy or whilst breast feeding or if sensitive to any of the ingredients.

Common Sense

This product does not replace a healthy diet

Anything else you need to know?

Vibrational essences are energy signatures of various flowers and gems. They possess deep synergistic properties which gently restore the balance between mind, emotions and body and help to achieve equilibrium in our being as a whole.

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Brand: Bodytox

Awaken the Energy from Within with BodyTox Energy Herbal Fusion Drink

50g  £4.90
200g  £14.95

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