Help for Restless Legs

Well the first call you should make is to your doctor to establish if there is an underlying problem that could be treated. If for example you have an iron deficiency then that can be quickly remedied with diet and supplements.

But, there are other ways you can self help:

Avoid caffeine and alcohol, if you find after a few weeks that your symptoms disappear or are greatly improved then you've found your trigger, if there is no change you can re-introduce them

Get into a regular bedtime routine – going to bed and getting up at the same time. Make sure room temperature and in-bed temperatures are not too hot or cold.

Enjoy a relaxing bath before bedtime.

Ensure that you take exercise, especially walking. Aim to walk for 30 minutes each day, as an added benefit your fitness and overall health will greatly improve too.

Introduce iron rich foods into your diet and follow our Food Pyramid for healthy eating.
If you have low iron levels eat iron rich foods such as molasses, meat especially liver, dried fruits, dark green vegetables such as curly kale, Indian curry dishes.

Avoid foods high in oxalic acid such as spinach and also reduce tea and coffee because they contain a substance that binds with iron.

Skin Brushing may help too because by drawing the brush over the limbs you will improve blood and lymphatic flow.