Why is my Tummy Flabby?

Even celebs and models have flabby tummies but the reason you don’t see them in the media is mainly because of airbrushing.

A small amount of fat laid down on the tummy and hips is normal for females but because it is not fashionable you would be forgiven for thinking that you are the only one with the problem. It is no consolation to know that in the past desirable women were soft and voluptuous with lovely round tummies and not the sticks that walk down the catwalk today. 

And if you ask most men they all say they prefer curves. So it’s us women who have the quest for a wash board tummy and stick thin thighs. There is of course a fine balance, too many curves and our health is in trouble too few and we look older.

A US magazine in 2009 produced a photo of a model with a normal flabby tummy. The result was that the magazine sold out and hundreds flooded the website in fact crashing it. This was in praise of the photo of Lizzie Miller. They welcomed that fact that unlike the photos of other models, it was natural and not air-brushed and represented a real woman of the 21st Century.