Blog Posts: September 2010

Monday September 20, 2010 at 2:35pm
Did you see the new TV programme called Food?  One of the items featured was the amount of sugar in carton drinks.   One carton had 9 tsps of sugar.   So, just a reminder from us that if you are serious about your health and well-being be aware of the hidden nasties in seemingly healthy products.   Juices you might be drinking for specific conditions such as Cranberry for Urinary tract health could be adding to your problems.Check out Age Matters - a ....
Friday September 17, 2010 at 2:42pm
What is the most efficient way to lose those extra pounds and inches? It is true that exercise burns calories, tones the body, generates energy, and makes you feel good. But, when starting a weight loss regime - we are what we eat and this is where we should start. Have you ever seen people in the gym that you know go regularly and work hard but still have that muffin top or flabby tum? How can this be? Well, it’s official if you want to lose weight – exercise alone does not cut it. ....
Friday September 17, 2010 at 1:12pm
All of us diligently taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin for our joints are dismayed by the latest news that studies say it is ineffectual. But the study was in specific regard to the debilitating condition Osteo Arthritis. Most of us take it, not because we have a problem but to prevent a problem occurring in the future, particularly if we run or exercise regularly. However, it is not enough just to pop one pill in isolation, in fact you are wasting your money. So it stands to reason that to m....
Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 9:49am
It May Be Easier Than You Think says Suzanne Dixon, MPH, MS, RD One of the single most important things people can do to stave off declining brain function is to exercise.Nobody wants to look or feel old. We certainly don’t want to think old. From forgetting your keys to struggling to recall an acquaintance’s name, many people worry about their memory, and over time those worries increase. But addressing your memory lapses is easier than you think. Smart lifestyle choices can he....
Friday September 10, 2010 at 12:12pm
"Get a grip" says Sarah Boseley's in the Guardian today covering new research looking at the indicators of a long life. So of great interest to all of us over 40!She reports on the initial studies that were commissioned to establish measures that could be used to identify which older people may need more help. The studies used 4 markers for physical ability that to the average young person may seem easy to achieve but apparently as we grow older failings in these areas may indicate low....
Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 5:46pm
Many women have asked us about detoxing and if it really works especially after 40 or 50 years of eating too many cakes and drinking far too many glasses of good vino. Surely the damage is done now? Not so we say!Like most things the best way to find out is to do it for yourself and see the benefits? But where do you start, what do you leave out and what is a detox all about anyway? Is it a diet or not? There are a million books on it, Carol Vorderman Detoxes for Li....