menopause Posts

Sunday April 13, 2014 at 8:00pm
Acne and Wrinkles on the Same Face: the Frustrating Contradictions of the Menopause, and Why They Happen The menopause is a contradictory beast. Hormonal imbalance causes all sorts of perplexing and frustrating issues for which a large number of women are not prepared. Oily skin, for example. The menopause can cause your face to break out in the kind of acne you haven’t seen since you were a teenager, which is upsetting. You console yourself by remembering that acne indicates oily skin, an....
Sunday February 23, 2014 at 10:32am
Acne and Wrinkles on the Same Face: the Frustrating Contradictions of the Menopause, and Why They Happen by Claire GarmistonThe menopause is a contradictory beast. Hormonal imbalance causes all sorts of perplexing and frustrating issues for which a large number of women are not prepared. Oily skin, for example. The menopause can cause your face to break out in the kind of acne you haven’t seen since you were a teenager, which is upsetting. You console yourself by remembering that acne indi....
Sunday June 3, 2012 at 1:29pm
BetterYou Femergy™ Original has been voted 'Best for Energy' in the Beauty Community section of Psychologies Magazine, its also been highly commended! The caffeine and sugar-free formulation contains only naturally sourced, whole food ingredients which are gentle on the stomach and designed to work in harmony with the body's natural cycle. To be taken daily and whenever tiredness strikes. Femergy™ Original works to increase Energy and Vitality through ingredients which are proven to ....
Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 10:40am
Freckles look cute when we are in our teens, but in our forties they can  make our faces look blotchy and uneven. Sunlight and hormonal changes( especially menopause) make the pigrmentation even worse.....but worry not as help is at hand with a clever product from Pharmagel called Derma -Fade, which contains SPF 15 to help as a sunblock and Vitamin C and liquorice to help fade  and lighten those annoying pigmentation marks.And comes with a money saving £5 off too! Check out www.b....
Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 2:11pm
 It is the day your periods stop. That is it. Sometimes called going through the change too.Once 6 months have passed this is called the complete menopause. So, what are all the hot flushes, moods swings, disturbed sleep and erratic periods then? This is the perimenopause and this can last from 2 – 10 years. Some people talk about the menopause as though it is a trial and tribulation and has to be ‘got through’. It is not a disease, it is a natural process like pregnancy, ....
Thursday January 13, 2011 at 12:28pm
Now a study reveals that postmenopausal women who add soy to their diet may experience relief from menopausal symptoms. Despite a lack of conclusive research, many women try soy because they have heard that its plant-based estrogen-like compounds (isoflavones) may ease menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and irritability. Now a study published in Maturitas affirms the benefits of soy and reveals that postmenopausal women who add soy to their diet may experience similar relief from symptoms a....