Blog Posts: February 2011

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 2:11pm
 It is the day your periods stop. That is it. Sometimes called going through the change too.Once 6 months have passed this is called the complete menopause. So, what are all the hot flushes, moods swings, disturbed sleep and erratic periods then? This is the perimenopause and this can last from 2 – 10 years. Some people talk about the menopause as though it is a trial and tribulation and has to be ‘got through’. It is not a disease, it is a natural process like pregnancy, ....
Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 9:36pm
   Five pieces of fruit and vegetables and 8 glasses of water a day. Good advice or cynical marketing ploys from food and beverage companies? At we hold the view that drinking 8 glasses of water 1 size fits all approach is not for everyone. So, the same must apply to 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables. Maybe YOU work best with 1 piece or 10!! A recent book by obesity researcher and nutritionist Zoe Harcombe disproves the commonly held belief that if we eat 5 pieces of fru....