Blog Posts: January 2011

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 12:28pm
Now a study reveals that postmenopausal women who add soy to their diet may experience relief from menopausal symptoms. Despite a lack of conclusive research, many women try soy because they have heard that its plant-based estrogen-like compounds (isoflavones) may ease menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and irritability. Now a study published in Maturitas affirms the benefits of soy and reveals that postmenopausal women who add soy to their diet may experience similar relief from symptoms a....
Friday January 7, 2011 at 8:45am
Today’s news reports on scientific proof that Honey, specifically Manuka Honey, is at the forefront for the treatment and healing of wounds. This firmly puts Mother Nature back in the driving seat following the many years of penicillin and antibiotic drugs preference of the twentieth century. Honey has been known for its powerful healing properties for thousands of years from the ancient Greeks to the Second World War and the bees are now getting the recognition they deserve....
Sunday January 2, 2011 at 5:32pm
If you are feeling as though you could take off any minute with the amount of excess wind you have you are not alone - especially at this time of year. And if the season of too many sprouts and picking at leftovers is taking its toll too don't despair!Taking Medicinal Charcoal can help! It provides 100% natural relief for indigestion, wind and heartburn Alleviates the symptoms of Dyspepsia (chronic or recurrent discomfort in the abdomen accompanied by bloating, belching, nausea) Reli....